
The Dog Diving Helmet - Funny Patents Part 4

The Dog Diving Helmet - Funny Patents Part 4

We all love our pets, and naturally we want to take them with us everywhere we go. But where do you draw the line? Most people would probably draw it somewhere on dry land... but there's always an exception!

The Gerbil Vest - Funny Patents Part 3

The Gerbil Vest - Funny Patents Part 3

We all love to show off our pets. We keep photos on our phones ready to show off any chance we get, and we take them with us everywhere we can. There are entire industries devoted to helping our pets be a part of our daily lives. You can find a leash or a harness to fit almost any four legged friend, from majestic horses to dogs and even cats (if you can get them to cooperate), to wily ferrets and cuddly rabbits, all the way down to the star of today's Funny Patent expo: wee little gerbils.

The Gun Powered Mouse Trap - Funny Patents Part 2

The Gun Powered Mouse Trap - Funny Patents Part 2

When all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. Apparently the same rule applies when all you have is a six-shooter. Fellow history buffs and invention trivia fans, we present to you: the Gun Powered Mouse Trap.

The Spanking Machine - Funny Patents Part 1

The Spanking Machine - Funny Patents Part 1

Imagine an invention that could change the world for the better. An invention that could bring mankind together in harmony, solve world hunger, end pollution, and save the whales. This invention does none of those things.

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